Educational services that lead to your breakthrough.
Providing dynamic, multi-faceted systems of support tailored to meet your specific academic needs

A - Advocacy
C - Creating Solutions
T - Training
Does this sound like you?
a parent or guardian of a special education student desiring support with an individual education plan (IEP) or academic/behavioral routine at home?
a parent or guardian of a special education student who desires someone to walk them through an IEP meeting or help collaborate to develop an educational plan that works well?
an elementary school leader or superintendent who will benefit from a fresh set of eyes on a specific educational challenge? (Perhaps support to implement an initiative or program).
a pre-service professional who may benefit from personal coaching to meet state educator certification test standards?.
Does this sound familiar?
If you are seeking a professional to systematically support educational programming or a season of change in your organization or school, you’ve come to the right place.
Principals and APs
imagine creating a school environment where:
Hands-on Support
Teachers and staff are able to receive quality hands-on support and training in early childhood and special education instruction in a variety of formats
Quality Consulting
Educators who may require additional support are able to receive it from a qualified external consultant
Collaboration on Special Projects
Campus principal and district leaders will benefit from support with a special project or program roll out. Leadership support and consultant collaboration will provide the boost you need and leverage resources.
Parents and Guardians
imagine creating an opportunity for your family to:
Academic Breakthroughs
Have a potential breakthrough with your student’s learning journey at school and home
Receive an opportunity for an increase in collaboration with the classroom teacher and school
Quality Support
Gain a team member that will support, coach, and empower you to strengthen your ability to advocate for your student
All of this could be possible with direct communication, collaboration and strong supports in place.
You will benefit from someone who can assess and understand the specific challenges that you are dealing with and provide an affordable support plan that will enable you to meet and exceed organizational or individual goals.

I’m Dr. Stephanie Mack
I help families, (pre-service) teachers, campus and school district leaders with individual and system wide educational challenges and special projects. My life and work experiences, formal educational training and specialized certification in Texas and New Mexico, enable me to contribute expert knowledge and a fresh perspective to your specific situation. My unique ability is to bring a fresh perspective and individual support that families and educational leaders find beneficial.
I pride myself on versatility, flexibility, passion and a personal desire to dedicate time and talent to you and your needs. Hand in hand, I strive to provide attainable options that will meet difficult educational challenges or situations. Personalized support and encouragement from someone who has professional experience as a classroom teacher, administrator, in addition to life experience of being a parent of a special education student, are a phone call away.
Educational Services that render Breakthroughs
“I highly recommend [Stephanie] for your project or educational needs!“
Dr. Stephanie Mack is a well-known and trusted expert in educational consulting. She is particularly knowledgeable and skilled in providing resources and services to students with special needs and their parents, conducting staff development and continuing education to diverse groups on a wide variety of topics, strengthening relationships between communities and schools, and fostering cooperation between groups. I highly recommend her for your project or educational needs!
- Dr. Patricia Curry, Former Executive Director of Special Programs
Manor Independent School District